
The Power of Lap Time

Why Children Need 1,000 Hours Before They're Ready to Read

July 7, 2023

As parents, we all want to give our children the best start in life. We read to them, sing to them, and talk to them from the moment they’re born. But did you know that there’s a magic number when it comes to preparing your child for reading? The National Institute for Children’s Health and Development recommends that young children need 1,000 hours of lap time before they’re ready to start reading. This may seem overwhelming at first, but let’s break it down into manageable chunks.

Lap time is defined as any interaction that involves a child sitting on a caregiver’s lap. This can include reading books aloud, but it also encompasses talking, singing, rhyming, and chanting. By engaging in these activities with your child, you’re not only building a strong bond with them, but you’re also building the foundation for their future literacy skills.

If you’re lucky enough to start this journey when your baby is just weeks or months old, you’ll only need to invest about 30 minutes of lap time every day. That may sound doable, but if you wait until your child is two years old, you’ll need to play catch up and invest one hour every day. That may seem like a lot, but if you break it up into smaller chunks throughout the day, it can be more manageable.

The year before kindergarten is when things really ramp up. If you wait until this point to start your child’s lap time, you’ll need about three hours every day for that entire year. That may seem daunting, but it’s important to remember that this time is an investment in your child’s future. By spending this time with them, you’re not only preparing them for reading, but you’re also building a strong foundation for a lifetime of learning.

It’s not just about the quantity of lap time, but also the quality. When engaging in these activities with your child, make sure it’s a positive and enjoyable experience for both of you. This will help your child associate reading and learning with positive emotions, making it more likely that they’ll continue to read and learn throughout their lives.

The power of lap time cannot be overstated. By spending just a little bit of time every day engaging in activities like reading, talking, singing, rhyming, and chanting with your child, you can set them up for a lifetime of learning. While the goal of 1,000 hours may seem overwhelming at first, by breaking it down into manageable chunks, you can give your child the best start in life and prepare them for a future of reading and learning. So why not start today?

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