
Patriotic Popsicles

By Christel Hoydic July 3, 2023

Homemade Patriotic Popsicles are a fun and easy way to celebrate the summer holidays with your kids. And they are not only fun to make, they are also fun to eat!

These red, white and blue treats only take three ingredients: cranberry juice, lemonade, and a blue sports drink like Gatorade.  

You'll also need paper cups and popsicle sticks. The small dixie cups are the perfect size for these pops.

Start with the cranberry juice and fill each cup one-third full. Place in the freezer for about one hour.

Remove from the freezer and put the popsicle sticks in place. Then fill another third of the cup with lemonade.

Refreeze for another hour and then fill the rest of the cup with the blue Gatorade. Return the cups to the freezer one last time, until they are completely frozen.

Once frozen, the paper cups will easily peel away from your popsicle and they are ready to enjoy!

Refreshing, cool, and sweet, these Patriotic Pops are sure to be a hit at your summer celebrations … or any day!