
Success: More Than the Number on the Scale

Week 7 of my Jenny Craig Weight Loss Journey

By Kindle Rising, East Tucson Macaroni Kid Publisher October 30, 2017

Thank you, Jenny Craig, for sponsoring this post. Tried other Diets? Now it's time for Jenny Craig!  

I'm not gonna's been a hard week. If I was a cartoon and there was a stress-meter above my head, it would be registering 1000% and have a bunch of little springs popping out from the pressure. It has taken every bit of my effort to override my long-standing stress-eating habits and follow the Jenny Craig plan. I have been mostly successful, but I did have a couple of handfuls of buttery popcorn on family movie night, I took a sip of my daughter's milkshake, and one day I ate an extra Jenny Craig snack. I also wasn't able to fit in much exercise at all, and I surely didn't drink enough water. 

How did the scale respond? It has been all over the place. It's not my official weigh-in day yet, but I weigh myself daily and I have seen extremes from 2 pounds down to absolutely ZERO change compared to last week. As of today I'm about a pound down, which I can live with, but the daily up and down has been a little maddening.

This post is NOT about those scale numbers, though. I am actually writing this post to try to silence my inner critic and remind myself (and any of you on a weight loss journey) that rough weeks HAPPEN, and that 7 weeks into the Jenny Craig program I have had far more successes than I have had failures, and those successes don't just show up on the scale. 

Success shows up in better fitting clothes. I haven't dropped a full size yet, but I have admitted to myself that I was squeezing myself into my clothes and avoiding lots of items that were just too tight. I pulled out a pair of jeans this weekend and slid into them comfortably. Success!

Success shows up in comments from coworkers and friends. Hearing, "You look great!" does wonders for motivation. Some people can't quite put their finger on what I've done differently, and they ask if I've changed my hair or if I am wearing a new dress (no, it's not new...just been living in the back of my closet for too long). I proudly tell them that I've lost about 12 pounds* so far on the Jenny Craig program. Success!

Success shows up in the way I feel. I have more energy. I look forward to exercise (and have really missed it this week). Although this week has been challenging, I definitely feel like I faced those challenges with stronger will-power and fortitude against overeating than I would have before Jenny Craig. Success! 

Whatever that number reads on my official weigh-in day this week, I'll be ok. Every week on Jenny Craig is a successful week, no matter what the scale says!

Ready for your own successes? Check out the latest offers from Jenny Craig HERE.

*Jenny Craig members lose 1-2 pounds a week, on average. This article was sponsored by Jenny Craig, but the content is all my own.