A family circus, a charming story, a long tradition...and a LOT of fun!
UA Presents The Zoppé Family Circus!
Returning for its 2nd year in Tucson, the Zoppe Family Circus will dazzle audiences with equestrian stunts, canine capers, acrobatic feats, and lots of audience participation. Featuring Nino the Clown as well as new guests and surprises, there is something for everyone. See it for the first time, or be thrilled and charmed for a second time!
January 11: 7:00 PM
January 12: 1:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 7:00 PM
January 13: 1:00 PM, 4:00 PM
Where: Reid Park
Where: Reid Park
Tickets: Start at $25.00. Use Promo Code BIGTOP for a 50% discount on most shows! Click HERE for detailed information about the discount and HERE to purchase tickets.
Congrats to Angelina P., winner of a family 4-pack of tickets from UA Presents and East Tucson Macaroni Kid!
East Tucson Macaroni Kid is receiving 4 tickets to the Zoppe Family Circus in exchange for this promotion.